A. Bleys Ingram

Sorcerer RPG by Adept Press

Sex & Sorcery

d20 Supplements by AEG


Spycraft RPG by AEG

Shadowforce Archer Campaign Setting
Spycraft Core Rule Book

Swashbuckling Adventures RPG by AEG (formerly 7th Sea)

Crescent Empire
Swashbuckling Adventures (7th Sea d20)
Swordsman's Guild
The Montaigne Revolution
Sophia's Daughters: Secret Societies of Theah, Book Six
The Church of the Prophets
Vendel: The Nations of Theah, Vol. VIII
Ussura: The Nations of Theah, Vol. VII
Vodacce: The Nations of Theah, Vol. VI
Frieburg City Boxed Set
Die Kreuzritter: Secret Societies of Theah, Book Three