
When considering an idea, the different aspects of that idea float around in your mind. They combine in different ways, show different parts of the idea, different things it contains, different things it can do, and different ways it can relate with other ideas. These ideas slowly begin to fit together into an organized system that makes more and more sense, like puzzle pieces fitting together.

Finally, understanding occurs, and the concept is realized. One point of refrence is found to access all of the information contained within this concept. A name is given to the concept as a vocalization of the cognitive idea itself, a single refrence point that opens to the full range of data, relations and functions the concept contains. This name and refrence allows for manipulation of the concept amongst other concepts. Its a handle your mind can grab on to like a physical object. This object can be manipulated as needed, and interact with other objects. Linguistic algebra occurs to use the word in a sentence, or to describe other larger abstract ideas not yet realized into a single name.

For example, in Sandman Delirium once asks, "wHat iS The wORd fOr WHen yoU mEEt soMEonE YOu uSEd to kNOw reALLy WEll bUt its BEen a REALly lONg tIme anD You dONt reMEmBEr tHEm aNYmoRe aNd fORgeT ThEIr naME?" or something similar. She describes the components of complex idea, a concept that has formed in her mind, but does not have a name. If you know all the parts of the idea, a name can be attached to the definition and it can be manipulated like any other word. Once named, it can be invoked and used.

A word, every word, is a name. Each is the name of an idea or concept. Some of these concepts are nouns, and thus describe complicated things like people. But you can know the word for a person without knowing their name. Knowing the name is knowing all the data that is contained in that person. Every component of their being, every relation they have to anything else. So, knowing the name of someone or something is knowing everything about it, essencially containing that thing inside you in cognitive form.

Thus, knowing the true name of God is coming to full realization of God, all that he is, all that he does, and all that he/she/it/they/we are. Suprise, Kabbalists and Zen Buddists reach the same goal in the end: enlightenment, realization of infinity.

The other bits I've been working with are the idea that realized names and concepts act within a cognitive system as independent entities, according to the data and functions they contain, and relations the are attached to. Like a spiritual being, they act according to their true nature, because in once sense ideas ARE spiritual beings.

Cognitive systems are not just contained within the mind, but exist in any system which is aware of itself. Thus, consciousness exists amongst any group of interacting people be it social, political, economic or magical, within natural systems such as ecology in nature between animals and species, in weather patterns, movements of the earth and planets, everything including reality itself. As below, so above. God is the highest level of this idea, if you step back and look at all things in reality acting as one being. More familiar to most of you, The Earth when seen as one consciousness as Gaia/Goddess.

Just as an idea moves about in the system of your mind, one can move about in the system of God/Goddess around us. Thus, a semi-mathematical proof that spiritual beings do exist and have real effect. Neat, eh? I about blew a fuse putting that one together. Escoteric algebra.

The final example I have for this is a story I hope to eventually put together. The basis is a discussion between an Athesist and a Satanist. Both argue against the other for their own point of view as right. In the process, they argue to a standstill, and realize that between the two of them they have just described God by illustrating everything that he is not from opposing viewpoints. A negative space description that infers the object strongly enough that it can be realized without being directly addressed.


Recent readings on crazed tesla theories has gotten me thinking again. The article suggests a great many things, but the most notable being that the earth iteslf contains an ambient electromagetic field, and so does humans. Nothing new there, science has known this for a long time. Any time there is electrical current, there is a field around it. The more important thing is the idea that the type of field described can be altered and can affect things like gravity and time. Possibly completely unnecessary musings to the point of this article, but interesting as a background.

It has often been theorised that the soul is in fact the electromagnetic field generated by the human body and mind. This has more relavence whrn considering the mroe subtle types of fields suggested in the article above. Still, unnecessary for my point below, but interesting.

That point is that if the electromagnetic field - the complex combination of ever interchanging fields produced by thought and our bodies - can survive within the larger field of the earth or the ambient field of the vacume of space, then this is a tangible foothold on the nature of the soul.

If then the soul could survive in this form, how much of one's cognitive self would survive? Well, clearly this is a difficult thing to do. It would be difficult for the entire complex field to survive at once. Certainly, not all of it may even be active at the time of death. Only those parts currently being accessed would be able to continue. This suggests that one's "afterlife" is a snapshot of what they were thinking about at the time of death. That is, what the mind was currently focused on.

Were the mind unfocused, the field may dissipate. But were the mind strongly focused on one idea, say, the outstretched arms of Jesus come to take one to heaven, then this would be what is maintained. A strong ciruit held fully in the mind would survive the transition, while most of the memories and patterns of who you are would be lost. Only the "soul" of who you are would survive. Only the most immediate thoughts to answer the question of "who am I", what can fit in your conscious focus at one moment.

So what is desired then is a single focus of thought to more strongly fix your sense of self identity. This will better preserve the soul in crossing. Such can come in many forms, the type really doesn't matter so long as you are strongly fixed on it. Some examples:

Total submissal to a diety, such as Jesus as savior.
Meditative peace and oneness with all. (note that this proibably will not preserve your soul, but will make reintegration into the ambient force easier)
The single focused identity of the Samuari.
Dieing screaming in battle, at one with your mission, as entry into Valhalla.

The one I work with is the sigel approach. By use of a symbolic image to fix the mind on, aspects of being can be hung on this symbol. Thus, as they are within one step of access, are more likely to survive the transition to disembodied free floating field. Grouping of cognitive links together into one point, so that all can be accessed from that point. Thus, if that point is preserved, much of what connects to it will come with it. This expands the focus of self awareness to encompass more of the self in the soul, which otherwise may not contain anything more than the knowlege that Jesus will take care of them.

Not just a symbol is used for this. Belief in a special relationship with a divine entity will also work as a foothold. Such is a charged piece of self awareness able to sustain a circuit of belief in who you are. There can be many, in fact, if you can hold them together in a cohesive system overall that you can hold at once in mind. Shamanic animals are an easy way to describe parts of your personality. Guardian angels, parton saints, or similar dedications to any sort of pagan diety will act similiarly for this use. Religion is a very powerfull means of ego preservation, used well. Even more so when combined with sigel methods.

Cultivated self awareness is paramount if one wished to survive as more than a mote beyind death. The more you can identify as yourself, the more you can take with you. The strongest circuit will be the one concentrated on at the time of death. The more connected to this circuit, the more that will survive.

One must be able to answer the question of "who/what am I?" as completely as possibly, with as few thoughts as possible. This is the body of the soul, what will exist beyond your body.


Left hemisphere:
There is a field on a hill. The ground is covered in wild flowers of many colors. These include blue, violet, yellow, and red. The sky is mostly clear, with a few discrete clouds. The sun shines bright and hot.

Right hemisphere:
Starbursts of color explode on thin stalks, bound by bud. Reds and blues, violets and yellows, scattered dots in a rolling sea of green. Cotton puffs float on a still lake above, hot light screaming past from behind.

Is art really all that difficult to understand?