
I stared into the light, and it was blinding bright 
There was nothing, only white 
Soon, my eyes adjusted, deconstructed, and I saw more              
It is not plain white, but all colors at once 
And there are shapes within it, not endless brilliant void 
I came to understand the construction of light
and it was not so bright anymore.


Monkeys. Little pink monkies. Monkies crawling about on the earth, snarling at each other in agressive competetion. Monkies fighting, monkies eating, monkies building nests for themselves and their families. Monkies like to follow stronger monkies, like to be the stronger monkey. Monkies compete with other creatures for resources, monkies compete with eachother. Monkies like to compete, it makes them stronger.

Monkies can grab things in their paws, make them a part of themselves. One doesn't need to grow a claw, one can hold one instead. Monkies learn to use these appendges. They are a part of the monkey. They make the monkies stronger. Monkies try everything, and sometimes get lucky. Monkies remember. Monkies use tools to make better tools. Monkies recurse.

The monkies grow so strong that nothing can compete with them anymore. Except for other monkies. Monkies stick together. What one monkey can do, 5 can do better. Monkies know each other. Monkies remember. Monkies emote what they remember. Monkies speak. Monkies that hear become one with monkies that speak. Monkies share. Groups of monkies become stronger than other groups of monkies. Monkies work together.

Monkies observe, and remember what they observe. Monkies begin to understand how to make better tools based on their observations. Monkies understand tools. Monkies observe eachother, share their observations. Monkies realize that monkies are tools, too. Monkies learn about monkies, make better monkies, smarter monkies. Monkies grow strong.

Monkies understand monkies. Monkies recurse. Monkies think. Monkies think about thinking. Monkies understand that thinking is a tool. Monkies think better, make better tools, add tools to monkies, make stronger monkies. Monkies grow.

Soon there is almost nothing monkies can't do. Their tools become finer, more precise. Their observations sharper. Monkies understand everything around them. What they understand, becomes a tool. Life itself, falls within their understanding. Thought, intelligence itself, another tool to be refined.

Monkies not only conquer their world, they consume it, bind it to their will. Monkies reshape the Earth. Monkies reach further than the earth. Monkies no longer need to compete, but they can't help it. Monkies like growing stronger. That's what monkies do.

Monkies don't need to compete with eachother, but monkies need to compete. So, monkies compete with darkness. Monkies compete with death. Monkies compete with anything that can cause their destruction. Monkies want to live forever, be the biggest monkey.

Monkies aren't really monkies any more. They're not sure what they have become. They call it people. But soon, they are not even that any more. They once imagined greater monkies above them, and called them gods. Now, they stand where these gods once did, do what they imagined gods could do. They look down at themselves, where they came from, and where they have gone. they are not sure where they are going, only that they are going. So, they go. Monkies move forward, grow stronger, compete with non-existance. Monkies become bigger monkies. That's what monkies do.