How to Play this Game:

You will each write up a turn sheet (see the guidelines below) describing your actions that 'turn'. I will evaluate and collate them and post an update on the situation. I will do any required die-rolling and tell you the results. If any questions arise not answered in this document, we will address them as they come.

Guidelines for Turn Writing:

"Number of Actions" : As a rule of thumb, your character has up to a number of mental, physical and social actions equal to their rating in that attribute each 'turn'. An action is something you would normally expect to roll for. Note that as long as these actions are within your abilites no roll is needed. You can then describe the results under the assumption of success. Use your best judgement. Notationally, describe your action and in [square brackets put the Trait & Attribute you are applying, followed by a colon : and the difficulty you believe the action is] (if you spend any hero points on the action put them in parenthesis after you close the square brackets). Note that while most actions will roll a Trait plus Attribute pool, sometime no Trait will be appropriate, so you will only have the dice granted by the appropriate Attribute in your action pool.

"The Rule of You" : Typically, your actions and the results of those actions can only affect you and any nearby mooks. (Clear any deviations from this rule with me before posting, if in doubt.) Feel free to describe 'Rule of You' actions and results all you want, but as soon as you affect another named character, the results must come from the Game Master, or be agreed to by the player of the character in question.

"The Cliff-Hanger Rule" : You should end your turn on a cliff-hanger whenever possible. A cliff-hanger is an action you know you need to roll for and/or you are risking Hero Points on. Note that in-character discussions with other players can and should ignore this rule, but that all action turns should end on a point of doubt. You should suggest the Attribute + Trait pool you think is applicable for the Cliff-Hanger.

Guidelines To What You Can Do:

Very Easy (2 die pool) - Lift 20 pounds, operate simple computer systems, track across soft dirt, survive in intimately familiar terrain, con a close friend or trusting relative.

Easy (4 die pool) - Pick simple locks, lift 100 pounds, track across grasslands, survive in familiar terrain, con a naive teenager or gullible person.

Moderate (6 die pool) - Pick complex locks, lift 200 pounds, operate complext computer systems, track through forest, survive in somewhat familiar terrain, con a disinterested bueaucrat.

Difficult (8 die pool) - Pick combination locks, lift 400 pounds, survive in unfamiliar terrain, con a police officer.

Very Difficult (10 die pool) - Pick microchip locks, lift 1000 pounds, operate encoded computer systems, track through the shifting sands of the desert, survive in completely unfamiliar terrain.

Heroic (12 die pool) - Lift 1500 pounds, survive in alien terrain, con someone who really does know better.

The default difficulty on any rolls will be 4. In other words, I will roll a number of six-sided dice equal to the appropriate pool and each die that comes up a 4 or greater will be counted as a success.

If you are too easy on yourself in the rest of the turn, any rolls I make will be at difficulty 5.

If you are too hard on yourself, the rolls will be made at difficulty 3.

Character Improvement.

To improve or add a trait or attribute costs a number of Hero Points equal to the current total of your Traits and Attributes and In-Game explanation.

Hero Points and How to Use Them

In short, Hero Points are what differentiate named characters from Mooks. Hero Points can be spent one-for-one to add dice to pools. Hero Points are gained either by risking them on a Cliff-Hanger action, or by invoking one of your flaws.

Risking Hero Points. Only Hero Points risked on the final roll are regained if the roll is successful. All other Hero Points are spent. If the final roll is successful, the player gets back the Hero Points they risked plus one additional Hero Point for every success beyond the minimum needed for success - up to the number of Hero Points risked. If the roll is failed, you lose all Hero Points risked.